Thursday, 30 June 2016

Sexual Health And Maintaining It On Optimum Levels

Sexual health was considered differently than health in previous times when talking about it was nothing short of a taboo. Since sexual activities are always kept behind closed curtains, talking about sexual health was considered an illicit activity. While women already were oppressed so could not discuss their sexual health issues with anyone, men due to their egoistic manner of socialism also kept it to themselves. As a result, for those who used to have any issues were suffering silently. Now as even researches have concluded, the sexual part of health is more of a debatable issue than ever.

How women take their sexual health?

While women discuss most of it among themselves now, men still find issues and rather resort to silent methodologies like stipulations as well as internet research for quenching their urge in their sexual issues. Maintaining sexual health is even more important than other aspects of health. While it affects us physically giving us immense types of pain, mentally they also have a variety of effects on psychology. Issues like erectile dysfunction are not  discussed among men.

While for both genders, females also have issues like STDs symptoms which cannot be eradicated by discussing with each other. There are a few steps which can be followed to ensure a proper sexual health apart from any sickness. Since sexual health is an integral part of full health, some of these tips will advise you to focus on daily health which correspondingly will help in maintaining sexual health.

Overall state of health has a huge impact on sexual health. Not falling ill and not having small issues like cough and cold has a huge impact on sexual health. While these issues look small, they lower our defense, affect our immunity and overall health depletes.

How obesity affects sexual health?

Obesity is another factor in maintaining sexual health. In both males and females, obesity makes you dull as well as leads to secretion of estrogenic in male’s hence decreasing libido and sperm count. Obesity also leads to other health issues such as diabetes and cholesterol’s impact on heart. Since cholesterol leads to irregular and high blood pressure, it means that there is no uniformity in blood pressure. This leads to low blood flow in veins of penis hence irregular and low erection time.

Losing some fat can tune up your metabolism, encourage testosterone production and can help general health as well as sexual health in long run. It also helps the heart and keeps blood pressure in control. STDs are another issues which must be kept in check. STDs occur too many of those who are sexually active but had got it in heredity or had the misfortune of coming in contact with someone who has it.

How to maintain a healthy sexual life?

To make your sexual life better, maintaining your sexual health in case of STDs is very important. Always get yourself checked for it and whenever you are with a new partner, get them checked too. If there is any infection found in you, diagnosis should not be limited to you but also to your sexual partner. Get them checked too. If there are any symptoms then it must be immediately discussed with your partner and then intercourse must be discontinued till it is eradicated. Contact a health practitioner and get it eliminated as soon as possible.

Diet is a chief driving force behind maintaining sexual health. Eating a well-balanced diet comprising of vitamins, minerals and health supplements makes sure that there is no lack of any nutrient in your body. This keeps the immunity up and if you had any STD in the past, it would not be an issue until you are having immunity as a backup.

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