Friday, 24 June 2016

Effects Of Addiction On Your Sexual Health

Getting engaged in addiction habits like chain smoking and drugs consumptions direct your lifestyle towards serious problems and miseries which affect your physical as well as mental state to a very large extent. One of the serious damage that these lifestyle habits do is on the sexual life and intimacy.

It is believed that people can live a healthy sexual life even when they have serious addictions like continuous smoking and deadly drug intake, which is a big lie & practically false. As the person falls into deeper state of addiction, delusion and self-contained absorption there is no space or room for anyone in their life. Even if the individual tries to escape their addiction there is a long period of time which they take in order to regain their healthy sexual and intimacy relationships.

If people increase alcohol and drug abuse in their life then it becomes almost impossible to maintain healthy intimate relationship as the substances causing addiction create obsession in your life which eliminates the chances for a healthy sexual partner. In worse cases of addiction abuse people engaged lose interest in sex and in intimacy completely. Delusion and self-obsession is what people get when they enter the world of addiction and they find trusting other people really difficult which ultimately creates a barrier to intimacy. They still have people who love them and care for them but they have a mixed feeling of wariness and affection.

In such situations people get involved in promiscuous sex that lacks intimacy and feelings as it involves multiple sexual partners. Such people surprisingly wake up with total strangers with complete lack of memory as they have no idea of what happened a night before. Such individual know the true need of in intimacy and love but they are too much involved in their selfish lifestyle that they keep their greed above their feelings and they create a greedy habit of promiscuous sex with impulsive and poor life decisions. In such scenarios the person becomes vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy.

Addiction abuse leaves devastating impact on one’s sexual health. People with cocaine addiction think that they have enhanced sexual performance but such ability lasts for a very short period of time and after that they are stuck with physical and mental stress. Addicted people mainly suffer from a very serious and unusual sexual health issues and problems like erectile dysfunction in males and decreased libido through drug abuse in women. In all, over length or over consumption of these harmful and deadly drugs can dysfunction one’s entire sexual lives as they lose control over sex and intimacy.

Many times when finally people realize the damage they are doing to themselves, recovering from such addiction and drug abuse is the hardest thing they face. Not everyone has the courage to fix their flaws and bring their life back on track by quitting addiction causing habits like smoking, drugs consumption and drinking. In order to improve things the addicted individual can surely take help from a professional health and lifestyle counselor who can underline and highlight their issues and motivate them towards achieving satisfactory intimate relationships.

What people get through these addiction habits and drug abuse is loneliness and failure with a strong sense of solitude and emptiness which separates them from people around them or the people who care for them. These feelings are there utmost peak when the person is trying to regain control over his life through recovery and rehabilitation. It involves struggles as the individual lacks the support due to loneliness which can cause depression if the person is not strong enough. For an addict Life becomes meaningless with no goals and passion. Drug abuse and addicted lifestyle suck all your happiness and joys out of your life.

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